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Christ the King School was founded in the fall of 1949. Father Charles A. Buswell, the first pastor of Christ the King Church, was a key figure in the establishment of the school. The school began in a rented four room framed cottage at 2320 Elmwood. It was the home for Sister Marie Louis George and Sister Mary Paul Sauber, as well as classrooms for 72 students in Kindergarten and the first 4 grades.On October 15, 1949 new classrooms officially opened along with a temporary chapel. By 1954 the school encompassed all eight grades and the enrollment had increased to 362.


In the first years of operation, the school was run by the Benedictine Sisters. A convent was completed to house them and in 1969 they were replaced by the Adorers of the Precious Blood. This was one of many teaching changes that would be taking place at Christ the King School. Lay teachers were hired due to the increase in student enrollment and the decrease in the number of  Sisters in education. This brought about a sense of family throughout the school and parish and allowed members of the parish to become more involved in the school.


The School facility has changed a great deal since its start in a cottage. In the 1960s the building had grown to include a gym and additional rooms. Reverend Charles Conley, who came to Christ the King in June of 1960, helped instigate changes to the school building.


After a successful campaign drive led by Father Joseph Ross throughout the mid nineties, Christ the King School become a much larger school. There are two classes for each grade level and Junior High is now departmentalized.  The main building now consisted of 23 classrooms which include a State of the Art Science Lab, an Art room, a Foreign Language room, a Music room and a Computer Lab. The inviting library is now in the center of the school and one of the first things you see when you walk in the front door of the building. It is a constant reminder to students of how important reading is.

The Bridge to Greystone campaign, envisioned by Father Richard Stansberry in 2010-11 was a great move forward and provided for a new junior high building which opened in August 2012 and featured five large classrooms spaces, a combination classroom and updated Science Lab, as well as a room for the After Care program and a practice gym and office suite.  The playground was moved to the area west of the new building and surrounded by a decorative wrought iron fence.   The former junior high classrooms were remodeled into four large classrooms for our preschool programs.   We now have a total of 29 classroom spaces.  


Over the years Christ the King School has changed and grown, but the expectations for students have stayed constant. Our school motto is more than a mere plaque for the wall, it permeates the entire building. Created by former Principal Sr. Diane Traffas, it states, Christ the King School is where everybody is somebody and all live for God.

Contact Us


Tel: 405-843-3909

Fax: 405-843-6519

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1905 Elmhurst Ave.

Oklahoma City, OK 73120

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