Our Faith
Do you wish to be added to our school's prayer list? Prayer intentions may be kept anonymous. Unless specified, prayer requests will be removed from the list after 2 months.
Prayer Requests
Email us at campusministry@ckschool.com
At Christ the King Catholic School we are committed to
integrating our Catholic faith and identity into all aspects of
student life. Students regularly participate in the sacramental life
of the Church through devotions, liturgy, service and outreach
programs that strive for missionary discipleship.
Sacramental & Liturgical Life
Through weekly school Mass students participate in the
highest form of communal prayer. Classes rotate
preparing for Mass by writing prayers, lectoring,
collections and altar serving.
Altar Servers
Students 5th-8th grade are invited to serve for school
and weekend Masses. Training is offered regularly
throughout the year.
During the seasons of Advent and Lent our 3rd through
8th grade students participate in reconciliation. 2nd
graders undergo Sacrament preparation.
Each Monday our parish participates in Adoration. Our
students participate as a class throughout the semester.
In the month of October our school community comes
together to pray a rosary led by our 8th grade students in
honor of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent we gather as a school community to
reflect on the stations of the cross followed by the
exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
Yearly Patron Saint
Each year our school votes for a patron saint to intercede
for us. Previous saints have been: St. Katharine Drexel,
St. Josephine Bakhita, Blessed Carlos Acutis and Our
Lady Undoer of Knots.
School Choir
Our school choir is open to our 3rd-8th graders. These
students sing for school Mass each week as well as other
liturgies such as Christmas Eve, Good Friday, penance
rites and our advent Lessons and Carols.
Service and Outreach
Christian service and community outreach are essential to our
Catholic identity. The efforts of our community play a role in
bringing faith, hope and love to others. Jesus calls us to
continually use our resources for the betterment of all our sisters
and brothers. Works of charity cannot be separated from the title
of Christian.
Matthew 25
Matthew 25 is our year long school wide outreach and
service project. Each month we partner with a different
organization that meets the needs of a different aspect or
stage of the human person, from the youngest to the
oldest of our communities. Each grade rotates in the
promotion, collection of items and delivery. Building upon
Catholic Social Teachings and the Corporal Works of
Mercy, we work to put our faith in practice. Matthew 25
has roots in the second half of the 25th chapter of
Matthew’s Gospel where Jesus commands us to provide
for the needs of others through Christian love and
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty
and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed
me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me, in
prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36.
Our Green Team
Our school Green Team is made up of students, teachers
and community members who work to care for God’s
creation through campus wide recycling, education
efforts, tending the school gardens, maintaining the
outdoor classroom, and recently worked to help us
become a certified Oklahoma Green School. This is in
union with Pope Francis’ calls to care for our common
"As stewards of God's creation, we are called to make the
earth a beautiful garden for the human family.” - Pope
Community Prayer Line
To assist in praying for the needs of our community, we
have a prayer line so we can build our community
members up in prayer. If you would like to be added to
our prayer line, please email this request to
Through faith formation we strive to impart the
importance of being a missionary disciple to all students.
This is accomplished through following an Education in
Virtue program, Sacrament preparation for First Holy
Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation,
accompaniment through intergrade mentorship and daily
religion classes.
Faculty Faith Formation
Once a month our faculty meets for a faith formation
meeting. This assists in helping our faculty to continue
their growth in a personal relationship with Christ and His
Church, as well as discovering new ways to incorporate
Catholic identity into all subjects.
Sacrament Preparation
Students in 2nd grade receive preparation for the
sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation.
Our 6th grade students partake in Confirmation
preparation. These lessons are built into the curriculum.
The Catholic school can be such an aid to the fulfillment of the mission
of the People of God and to the fostering of the dialogue between the
Church and mankind, to the benefit of both, it retains even in our
present circumstances the utmost importance.
- Declaration on Christian Education from the Second Vatican Council